Love Is the Golden Grown of the World

The 5 Essential Ingredients of a Fiction Book


Ever wondered what makes a fiction book unique and engaging? Besides having an intriguing plot, there are other essentials like the flow of the story, character development, the right mix of emotions, etc. If you’re looking for a great fiction novel to read, this blog is for you as we’re about to uncover the five key ingredients that turn a regular story into a page-turner!

Characters That Grab You:

Imagine your favorite characters from books or movies. What makes them so interesting? They feel real, right? That’s the magic of engaging characters. They should be like your new buddies, with personalities, struggles, and victories that you can cheer for. So, when you’re looking for a good fiction book, make sure the characters are more than just names on a page—they’re the heart of the story.

A Story That Keeps You Guessing:

You start a book, and you just can’t put it down. Why? Because the plot is full of surprises and twists. A great story needs a clear beginning, a juicy middle, and a satisfying end. Throw in some unexpected turns, and you’ve got a plot that grabs your attention and won’t let go.

Solving Life’s Complexities:

Close your eyes and imagine a world full of strange illusions replete with riddles, puzzles, conundrums, and Trojan Horses. That’s the power of a great setting. Books like Crashing Streams of Change can help you crack earthly life’s mysterious code.

Emotions That Hit You in the Feels:

Think about the books or movies that made you laugh, cry, or jump for joy. That’s the emotional punch we’re talking about. A good fiction book connects with your feelings. It makes you care about what happens to the characters. So, when you’re reading, don’t be afraid to tap into those emotions and share them with your characters. Moulton Mayer’s book, Crashing Streams of Change perfectly captures the human emotions in this sense when Simeon, intensely battered, and bruised, and messed up for years is affected in his relationship with his girlfriend, Vanetta.

A Message That Sticks:

Awesome fiction goes beyond just telling a tale—it leaves you with something to think about. It could be a life lesson, a new perspective, or life-changing content. When the story has a message or theme, it lingers in your mind even after you’ve finished the book. So, whether you’re writing or reading, look for that deeper meaning that adds an extra layer to the story.


And there you have it— the five elements for a fantastic fiction read! Characters you can connect with, a plot that keeps you on your toes, a vivid setting, emotions that tug at your heart, and a message that stays with you. If you’re looking to read such as book, we recommend Moulton Mayers, “Crashing Streams of Change.” Available on Amazon!

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